to make it stretchier all you do is keep on pulling on it for a wile and eventually it will be more stretchier
you want a soft rubber band ball with strechy rubber bands,but you also want to be carefull that you dont make it to big and to small
A rubber band will , approximately, stretch an amount "x" in direct proportion to the force "F" applied to it. So you can write this as an equation, F = KX . To find the proportionality constant "K" , hang a known weight "W" from the rubber band and measure the stretch "L". then divide W/L = K . This is called "calibrating" the rubber band.
an equation
Stretching the rubber band would lengthen it. It is the sentence containing the lengthen word.
A simple method involves cutting a rubber band. Then the rubber band straight line is stretched over the scatter diagram and moved about until you feel that 50 % of your data is on one side of the temporary line and the other 50 % is on the other side of the line. Often the data is grouped such that a lot of points fall on the imaginary line of the rubber band and only a few oddballs are positioned well away from the line. We think of this method as the " Best Fit " method, using your judgment to decide the best fitting trend line.
A band stretcher in math is an apparatus made with rubber bands that is used in Connected Math projects. Google "band stretcher connected math". This is another example of the stupidity of Connected Math. What a waste of time!
how do you make a rubber band car
A rubber-band is made out of rubber because rubber will make it hold things nice and tight.
By making rubber and putting it around a cyllindrical figure to make a band making it as thin or as wide as you like.
Here are some easy-to-follow steps on how to make it:Materials:Two rubber bandsSteps:Step 1. Take rubber band #1 and put it through rubber band #2.Step 2. Fold rubber band #1 around rubber band #2.Step 3. Take the newly made rubber band and put it around your wrist.Hope I helped =)
You can create a simple rubber band car by attaching a rubber band between the axles of a small toy car and winding it up. When released, the tension in the rubber band causes the car to move forward. This is a fun and easy way to demonstrate the energy stored in the stretched rubber band.
A rubber band typically produces a snapping sound when it is stretched and released quickly.
You can attach one end of a rubber band to a stationary object and the other end to the object you want to move. When you stretch the rubber band and release it, the stored energy will cause the object to move as the rubber band contracts back to its original shape.
A rubber band slingshot can be made with a rubber band and a stick. The stick needs to be in the shape of a Y. Put the rubber band around the two small pieces of the stick and you will have a slingshot.
Vibration. The back and forth motion of the rubber band creates sound waves that we perceive as sound.
To make a rubber band racer, you will need a cardboard base, two straws for the axles, four bottle caps for wheels, a rubber band as the propulsion system, and a skewer to secure the rubber band. Simply connect the straws to the cardboard base, attach the bottle caps to the straws, secure the rubber band onto the skewer, wind it up, and watch your racer go!
I don't think you can make a silly band with a regular rubber band I think in the factory where they make silly bands they have a special machine to shape them. they only thing you going to get if you do make one a home is a circle. because that is the shape of the rubber band.