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Q: How do you make a school project for conservation of natural resources?
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What was the natural resources use of land for the mohawk Indians?

They had bear ,beaver,elk,and fish.this was for a school project so sorry if anything was wrong.

What is a sentence using the word resources?

The province of Alberta is developing its natural resources. All of the resources of the FBI were devoted to locating the kidnapper. One of the most important natural resources of the Earth is water.

What were the Natural resources of colonial Cenneticut?

lol school projects

What has the author Arthur S Rollins written?

Arthur S Rollins has written: 'The Plymouth experiment' -- subject(s): Conservation Workshop (1951 : Plymouth High School, Plymouth, N. H.), Natural resources, Study and teaching

What has the author Robert Kleine written?

Robert Klein has written: 'Long term protection of Maine's critical areas' -- subject(s): Conservation of natural resources, Environmental policy

Are Switzerland and Austria rich in natural resources?

no they have little to none natural resources which is why they make manufactured goods

What Georgia's top 5 natural resources?

I know what you are doing, you have a school project or a piece of homework that you cant find the answers to so you put the question on wikianswers its okay though everyone does it.

What natural resources did the ottoman empire have?

dunnno i need to no that to in school history help

What conservation efforts are underway for the giant panda?

It is true. There are many Giant Pandas endangered. my project in school is about them so i decided to ask on what it is

How do you write acknoledgement for school project?

In an acknowledgment for a school project, you can thank individuals who supported you during the project, such as your teachers, classmates, or family members. You can also mention any resources, materials, or organizations that assisted you. Keep it sincere and concise, focusing on the contributions that helped you complete the project.

What kind of natural resources does Manitoba have?

what are the natural resources in Manitoba canada

What are some example of natural resources in Belize?

There are so many natural resources crops and industries of Belize. Some of the crops include bananas, sugar and citrus. The main industries are mineral production.