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Q: How do you make a three dimensional eye ball diagram?
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Are humans 2 dimensional?

No, humans are three-dimensional beings. We have height, width, and depth, which make us three-dimensional entities.

How do they make three-dimensional films?

== ==

Make a sentence with the word dimensional?

A painting is a two dimensional artwork; a sculpture is a three dimensional artwork.

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How to make 4 equilateral triangles by using 6 matchsticks?

Construct/make a tetrahedron, which is three-dimensional.

How do you make 4 equal triangles in 6 sticks?

Make a tetrahedron (three sided pyramid) Make it three dimensional. have the base be a triangle and then make three sides on it like a triangle pyramid. Triforce. ..▲ ▲ ▲

How can line composed of dimesionless point has a dimension?

That is the nature of dimensions. For example, three one-dimensional lines can come together to make a triangle, which is 2 dimensional. Six rectangles, each one two dimensional, can come together to make a cuboid - a 3-dimensional shape.

What Is one type of three-dimensional art you can make using found objects?

it is a sculpture

How do you make a model of a 3 dimension shape of a circle?

The 3 dimensional version of a circle is a sphere - a round ball. You can make it out of putty or papier mache.

What is 2 D shapes?

A 2-d shape is a two dimensional shape meaning it is flat.

If you use a computer to make a three dimensional picture of a building it is an example of?

this is an example of a model.