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half of a half of a half

1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/8

if it were on paper fold it in half, to make a half

fold it in half again to make four quarters

fold it again to make eight.

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Q: How do you make eighths in an rectangle?
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Draw a rectangle shade seven eighths of it what percent of the rectangle is not shaded?


How can you make a rectangle?

You can make a rectangle by using two squares

How many millimeters in 7 eighths?

You haven't said what the 7 eighths are 7 eighths of, and that's going to make all the difference in the answer. -- If it's 7 eighths of a millimeter, then there are 7 eighths of a millimeter in it. -- If it's 7 eighths of an inch, then there are 22.225 millimeters in it. -- If it's 7 eighths of a foot, then 266.7 millimeters. -- If 7 eighths of a meter, then 875 millimeters. -- If 7 eighths of a mile, then 1,408,176 millimeters. -- If 7 eighths of a day, or 7 eighths of a pound, or just plain 7 eighths with no unit, then none.

Can 4 triangles make a rectangle?

Yes, Four Triangles make a rectangle.

Four of these make one half?


How many eighths make a quarter?


How many eighths to make 4?


What shape can you make out of a rectangle?

A train but with a big rectangle.

What is the perimeter of a shape that has a side length of three and two fifths and another that is six and one eighths?

If it is a rectangle then: 2*(3.4+6.125) = 19.05 which is its perimeter

What is the area of a rectangle-one and one-fourth of one and one half?

= 5 / 4 * 6 / 4 = 30 / 16 = one and seven eighths

How much is 1 eighths add a halve?

That would be 5 eighths. Since 1/2 is equal to 4 eighths, you simply add 1 and 4 together to make five. (The eighths part stays the same)

Why is a square a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square?

a rectangle doesn't have four equal sided measurements, which is the definition of a square. also it can take one or more squares to make a rectangle but u can't make a rectangle into a square.