Easy. Just divide the nominator with the denominator. Then you will get the decimal number.
Decimal numbers that can be expressed as fractions are rational but decimal numbers that can't be expressed as factions are irrational
There is not much that can be done to write out this decimal into a fraction, except to make it into the simplest form. With 4 digits in 0125, the very last digit is the "10000th" decimal place. So it would be 0125/10000.
6.5 is a decimal.
0.95 is already a decimal.
you can make 1 ninth into a decimal by dividing it .
they can both have decimal points in!!
Decimal numbers that can be expressed as fractions are rational but decimal numbers that can't be expressed as factions are irrational
There is not much that can be done to write out this decimal into a fraction, except to make it into the simplest form. With 4 digits in 0125, the very last digit is the "10000th" decimal place. So it would be 0125/10000.
You divide the dividend by the divisor untilthe remainder is zero; orthe decimal expression begins to repeat a string; oryou have enough digits after the decimal point for the required accuracy.
Are factions inevitable?
a bigger decimal
It's a multiplayer server plugin that allows users to create guilds (groups) to work together. Factions can claim land, make enemies, and "raid" other groups.
Faction servers are mainly desinged for players that are into compitions in factions you can make your own faction (clan) and build a base you can go to war with other factions or make allys with others. You can gain power by inviting other players, killing others in player vs. player battles or playing more on the server. For more information about factions message me.
Warring Factions was created in 2007.
72.6 is a decimal.
6.5 is a decimal.
There are factions such as good and evil. But yet, you cannot make one for yourself. You can make a clan website and stuff, though.