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Q: How do you make figure 8 sign?
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8 sided figure of equal length?

An Octagon. ( see a stop sign ).

What was the rising sign at 8 am?

In order to figure out the rising sign of an individual, you would have to state the day, month and year of birth. The rising sign is not the same for all people.

How to sign up for figure it out TV show?

Type in Figure It Out Sign Ups. Then Click the suggestion that says It Out.

What is a 7 out of 8 as a percent?

87.5% how to figure this out: 100 divided by 8=12.5 times 7= 87.5 then add the percentage sign:) hope this helped!

How do you make a multlication sign on the keyboard?

If you mean multiplication sign, then you hold down shift and press 8 (*).

A clever skater can make a figure of - on ice?

A clever skater can make a figure of eight on ice. It's like drawing an infinity symbol with their blades, but way cooler. Just make sure they don't accidentally turn it into a figure of zero if they lose their balance!

What is 8 s on a s s?

8 Sides on a Stop Signsides on a stop sign

What 3d figure could you make with 2 octogans and 8 rectangels?

Octagonal Prisim

What sign do you add to 6 3 2 8 to 79?

Simple answer: add the ≠ sign. Otherwise, you could try 63 + 2*8 = 79

Is a 8 sided figure a polygon?

Yes; a 8 sided figure is a polygon.

What is called a 8 sided figure?

An 8 sided figure is an octagon.

Is a figure 8 a simple closed figure?

no, but an eight sided figure you could use is an octagon. a figure 8 may be a figure and closed but, it has no sides and no line segments.