

Best Answer

Press alt. and on the side key bored...while pressing down alt...hit numbers

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Q: How do you make shapes with your key bored?
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How do you make a peace sign on the key bored?

Capital Y or V

How do you make your key bored write in club penguin?

you go on manage acount on the bottom of the screen

What do you have to press to type to other penguins on club penguin?

u press enter on ur key bored u press enter on ur key bored u press enter on ur key bored

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You can refresh the computer icons by pressing F5 in the key bored

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The cast of Key Bored - 2007 includes: Jeremy Mather as Jeremy

How do you make a starfish on the keyboard?

It can be fun to learn how to make shapes with the keyboard keys. To make a starfish like this * a person must push the shift key and the number 8 key.

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Ginger ale spilled on your key bored and its sticky and some buttons are hard to press Its a dell inspiron is it possible to get it a new key bored for my laptop?

Just look it up on Ebay, dude.

What 10 letter word can you make from the top row of a key bored only using each letter once?

You can't make a 10 letter word from qwertyuiop. The biggest word you can make is wipeout.

What does the map key do?

it tells you what the shapes or patterns are on a map

What to make if your bored?

Make a pie or a cake

what do you do when your bored?

you make food