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Q: How do you make smoother tables?
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What do the lipids in the smoother do?

Make milkshakes.

Do you like tables?

i make tables they are my livelyhood so i just got to love tables Thats and odd question but about 87% of people like tables

What to apply on hair to make it smoother and shiner?

any "conditioner" will do

How can we make a smooth surface even smoother?

by cleaning the surface

Does Martha Stewart brand make dinning room tables?

yes , Martha Stewart brand make dinning room tables

How do you make your face smoother?

Use finer grade sand paper

Is baby shampoo good for the hair?

Yes it will make the hair smoother

How can I make my coffee less acidic for a smoother taste?

To make your coffee less acidic for a smoother taste, try using a darker roast, adding a pinch of salt, or using a cold brew method.

What are used to make tables?

I dont mo

What do you make with soft wood?

coffee tables

What is the function of tuna?

the function of tuna is to wipe it on your belly button to make it smoother

What are the advantages of sliding bearings?

to reduce friction and make the object move smoother.