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Q: How do you make someone unconcious for hours?
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Do teasers make someone unconcious?

If you mean taser then your answer is no.

How many hours do people get unconcious?

It actually depends on your injury.

What is good about a Anesthesiologist?

They make you unconcious during surgery so you dont feel the pain, and they keep you alive and stable while unconcious.

What are the kinds of behavioral?

concious, and unconcious concious, and unconcious

What are the two kinds of behavior?

concious, and unconcious concious, and unconcious

Does anesthesia make you ditzy or make you say things you aren't trying to?

anesthesia is used to render you unconcious

How do you make a woman unconcious safely?

A. Kock-out gas. B. Something horifying and inaproperiat ; ). or ... C. Make her dizzy and natious. : )

What is unconcious?


How do you make an ironman suit?

You take your fist and punch youself continously in the face till you are unconcious. And there you go :)

What kind of medicine does anesthesiologist use?

They don't use medicin. They use drugs. They can experiment whatever they want when they know a little about the poisens to make a person go unconcious. Most will do what they where taught in school. Depending on the drug used, parts, nerves, or the brain of a body becomes temporary on hold/dead. Putting someone unconcious is poisoning the brain so the patient cant wake up. But by staying aware during this going-unconcious-proces, you can even find a way to brake through for flashes of seconds. I cant stay awake all the time.

Which is the spray used to make people unconcious?

any spray paint actually that is why it is required to have an id in most places to buy it.

Does kagome get unconcious?

Yes and I like the final act 17 where magatsuhi looks at her n she gets unconcious and finds out that she lost her spiritual powers