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well there are two circles and they conect and they make2 circles and one small triagnle oval then on both of the outisde sides u ri the diffrent and in the middle u rite the similaries.this is preettty stupid that u dnt know whwt a venn diagram is beucause we leaned them in grade 1 and on the 2 outisde u can do urban and rural? i dnt knoe how to explain it to u any further and if u dnt get this u are stupid

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Q: How do you make venn diagram for urban and rural community?
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Is the Amazon rainforest urban suburban or rural area?

The rainforests are in rural areas. Being parts of an urban or suburban area mean that the trees are cut down to make room for people.

What kind of community would you prefer to live in urban or rural?

It ultimately depends on personal preference. Urban areas offer greater access to amenities and conveniences, while rural areas provide a quieter and closer connection to nature. Some may prefer the hustle and bustle of city life, while others may enjoy the peace and tranquility of rural living.

What are the factors that make up the urban and rural environment?

Urban environments are characterized by high population density, infrastructure development, and diverse economic activities, while rural environments have lower population densities, more open spaces, and are often focused on agriculture and natural resource-based industries. Other factors that differentiate urban and rural environments include access to services such as healthcare and education, transportation systems, and community amenities. Additionally, environmental factors like air and water quality, noise levels, and green spaces can also vary between urban and rural areas.

Why rural people come in urban for rickshaw driving in Bangladesh?

It's because they can make a lot more money by pulling rickshaws in urban areas rather than farming in rural areas. Most of these people don't even have farmland though.

How do you compare and contrast between urban and rural poverty?

Urban-rural migration simply refers to the movement of people from urban areas to rural areas. In recent times, rural to urban migration has become more common, as more people move to urban areas in search of jobs. Urban poverty simply refers to the poverty people living in urban areas experience.

What are the prevention of rural urban migration?

Preventing rural-urban migration involves improving infrastructure, job opportunities, and services in rural areas to make them more attractive to residents. Promoting agricultural development, providing quality education, and investing in healthcare facilities can help create a conducive environment for people to stay in rural areas. Additionally, implementing policies that support small businesses and industries in rural locations can provide employment opportunities and reduce the pull factor of urban areas.

Do more people live in urban or rural areas in Florida?

More people live in urban areas in Florida. The majority of Florida's population resides in cities and towns along the coast and in metropolitan areas like Miami, Orlando, and Tampa. Rural areas make up a smaller proportion of the state's population.

2 houses are 1300cm apart are there rural or urban houses around?

Without more information, it is difficult to determine whether the houses around are rural or urban. The distance between two houses being 1300cm apart does not provide enough context to determine the surrounding area's characteristics. Additional details about the houses and their surroundings would be needed to make a conclusive distinction.

Is Nepal rural or urban?

Though Nepal is starting to urbanize their city and bring things up to date they are still considered a rural city. Most of its civilians live in dense rural areas and use subsistence farming and fishing to make a living.

What is the difference between urban sociology and urban geography?

Urban sociology focuses on studying the social dynamics and interactions within urban areas, including issues like community development, social inequality, and urbanization processes. Urban geography, on the other hand, focuses on the physical aspects of urban areas, such as land use patterns, urban morphology, and spatial organization. While urban sociology looks at how people shape cities, urban geography examines how physical features and processes shape urban spaces.

Explain difference of rural and urban sociology?

Rural sociology studies social structures, cultures, and dynamics in rural areas, focusing on agriculture, small communities, and rural development. Urban sociology, on the other hand, examines social relationships, institutions, and phenomena in urban settings, such as cities and densely populated areas, with a focus on urbanization, migration, and urban problems.