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Q: How do you mark a graph using integers?
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What is a graph that displays data using line segments?

The graph that displays data using line segments is a line graph.

How do you Graph 6.5t?

There are many ways to graph 6.5t like using a bar graph, a pictograph or a line graph. When using a pictograph you will find the time and times it by how much.

What does to graph a point mean?

Mark the position of the point on the graph according to the coordinates of the point that are given (or calculated).

How are a bar graph and a line graph different?

a bar graph is a graph that displays data using bars and a line graph is a graph that displays data in a line

Is a number line a graph?

Not by itself. It is only the framework. But as soon as you mark up one point on it it becomes a graph.

What is graph that displays data using line segments?

A line graph.

Which culture was the first to use integers?

Integers are the whole numbers. Indian and Chinese mathematician were the first to contribute in the concept of using integers.

How are integers used in skateboarding?

integers are used in skateboarding by using positive integers like 180 360 540 720 and 900

What are integres?

The integral zeros of a function are integers for which the value of the function is zero, or where the graph of the function crosses the horizontal axis.

What type of graph is used to show counting numbers?

It's tempting to say a line (or possibly an edge) graph, but a line graph has two axes. Graph theory can get "abstractive" real quick. And we don't need all that "clique" stuff, do we? The counting numbers are the integers. They include all the positive integers and all the negative integers and zero. (That's three sets of numbers in the set of integers. And one of the sets, the set with zero in it, has only one member.) Let's try something a little different. We often talk about the real number line as a way to "graph" the integers. Heck, they're all there. So are all the other real numbers, but those counting numbers are still on the real number line. The source of the difficulty here may be that it is "unclear" to ask what type of graph is used to show the counting numbers instead of just saying, "What is used to show the counting numbers?" The answer to that question is usually a simple one. "We use the real number line to show the counting numbers."