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Q: How do you measure 50 feet?
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What things measure 50 feet?

A giant squid is 50 feet long with the tentacles

What is the cubic feet of 50 feet by 2 inches?

0. 50 feet by 2 inches is a 2d measure of area. An area cannot be measured in cubic feet, which is a measure for volumes.

How do i convert 50 x 140 feet into square feet?

If it is 50 * 140 feet then you cannot since the first is a measure of length.If, instead, it was 50 feet * 140 feet then the answer is 50*140 = 7000 square feet.

What is the length of the humpback whales?

This can vary based on climate and even gender. Adults measure to 50 feet. Newborn humpbacks can measure to 16 feet.

What is the best tool to measure the length of a house?

A long tape measure is best to measure length of a building. They commonly come in 30, 33, 40, 50, 100 and 300 feet.A long tape measure is best to measure length of a building. They commonly come in 30, 33, 40, 50, 100 and 300 feet.

How big can whales grow over generations?

The largest whale on record is the blue whale is that of 115 feet and weighing 136 tons. Average whale sizes: Orca whales can measure 32 feet and weigh 10 tons. Blue whales can measure 106 feet and weigh 176 tons. Finback whales can measure 82 feet and weigh 79 tons. Sei whale can measure 51 feet and weigh 30 tons. Right whale can measure 50 feet and weigh 110 tons. Humpback whale can measure 52.5 feet and weigh 50 tons. Sperm whale can measure 59 feet and weigh 44 tons. Grey whale can measure 36 feet and weigh 35.5 tons. Pilot whale can measure 20.3 feet and weigh 3 tons.

How much can 50 square feet go into 6 feet?

None. A square foot is a measure of area whereas a foot is a measure of distance. The two measure different things and you cannot convert from one to the other.

Indoor basketball court?

In the NBA, indoor courts measure at 94 feet by 50 feet. In high school, an indoor court measures at 74 feet by 42 feet.

What unit of measure would you use to measure basketball court?

A basketball court can be measured in square feet or square meters. It can be measured with a tape measure or virtually any other measuring device.

When marking the perimeter of a UXO or minefields how far apart should the markers be spaced?

50 feet

How many square feet in a 50 feet by 50 feet square?

Answer = 50 x 50 = 2500 sq feet

How big is a pro basketball court?

- NBA/NCAA - regulation basketball court dimension is 94 feet (28.65 meters) long by 50 feet (15.24 meters) wide.- High School basketball court dimension measure 84 feet ( 25.6 meters) long by 50 feet (15.24 meters)wide.- Jr. High School basketball court dimension measure 74 feet (22.55 meters) long and 42 feet (12.8 meters) wide