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Measuring a vector requires a reference. You'll need something that will allow you to find direction, and a unit length so you can find magnitude. A graph is a good way to do this, and something with a standard x and y axis (Cartesian coordinates) is just the ticket. Our graph has an origin, and that can be your starting point. Starting there, and using the x-axis as zero degrees, find your angle. Then draw a segment out along that axis the appropriate length. You now have a vector with its angle (direction) and length (magnitude).

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Q: How do you measure a vector?
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What is meant by vector?

It is a measure which has a direction as well as a value.

How does a vector represents distance and direction?

A vector is like an arrow. It points in the relevant direction and its length is a measure of the distance.

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No, a millilitre is a measure, so it is neither scalar nor vector. It is a measure of volume and that is a scalar.

What is norm on vector space?

It tells us how to measure the length of the vectors.

The measure of an objects speed and direction is the objects?

The measure of an object's speed and direction is the object's velocity. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both the speed (magnitude) and the direction of motion of an object.

Is vector the same as velocity?

No. A vector is any measurement where a direction is relevant. Velocity is one such measure, but there are others, unrelated to velocity (for instance, force).

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The vector time complexity of the algorithm being used for this task refers to the amount of time it takes to perform operations on a vector data structure. It is a measure of how the algorithm's performance scales with the size of the input vector.

What is another word for measure of speed and direction?

Velocity A Vector is the measurement of velocity and direction.

What measure is a vectore quanity?

A vector quality is defined as a quality that is described completely by both a direction and a magnitude. Velocity describes what direction something is moving as well as the speed it is moving, which makes it a vector quality.

How could you represent the speed and direction of a car if you able to measure its position vs time?

If s is the vector which denoted the position at time t, then the vector ds/dt is the required vector. Its magnitude is the car's speed and its direction is the car's.

What is a word for Measure in one direction?

A measure in one direction is called a vector. Some specific vectors are length, width, height and radius.