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Angles are measured using a protractor. It's a little half circle piece of plastic with the degrees marked on it. You can find one at most places that sell school/office supplies.

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Q: How do you measure the degree?
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What do you measure with the degree Fahrenheit?

Temperature is used to measure with degree Fahrenheit. Other unit is celsius.

How do you convert degree to whole number?

It cannot be done.A university degree cannot be converted to a number. A degree can be a unit of measure of temperature or angle. In such cases a degree is a unit of measure - it is not a number. A degree can also be a measure of intensity: a second degree burn, or a third degree homicide. But again, the degree is a measurement unit, not a number in itself.

What is a ninety degree angle in feet?

A degree is a measure of rotation, a foot is a measure of distance. These two are incomparable.

An acute angle has a degree measure that is between?

an acute angle measure from 1 degree to 89 degrees

How do you convert degrees to numbers?

It cannot be done.A university degree cannot be converted to a number. A degree can be a unit of measure of temperature or angle. In such cases a degree is a unit of measure - it is not a number. A degree can also be a measure of intensity: a second degree burn, or a third degree homicide. But again, the degree is a measurement unit, not a number in itself.

Who invented degree?

Depends on what sort of degree: a university degree a unit to measure temperature a unit to measure angular displacement a rough measure of intensity (3rd degree burns, murder in 1st degree).

How do you convert a degree into a number?

A degree is a unit of measure, it is not itself a number. It may be a measure of an angle or temperature or power. A degree cannot be converted to a number

How are celsius and degree related?

A degree Celsius is a measure of temperature.

What angle measure has the same measure in degree as its complement?


What is the degree measure of five fourths of a right angle?

The degree measure of five fourths of a right angle is 112.5 degrees

What is the degree measure of an angle whose measure is double the measure of its complement?

90 degrees