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What you want to do is make it so less water is drawn up into the tank. If you take the lid off the tank you will see a wire with a balloon-type thing on the end. This balloon floats on the top of the water in the tank, and when the balloon gets at a certain point, the water is shut off. To trick this system into thinking there is more water in the tank than there really is, you can do one or both of the following:

1. Bend the wire with the balloon DOWN, until the water shuts off at the desired level.

2. Put objects inside the tank to displace the water and make the water level rise up until the water shuts off at the desired level. A half gallon milk jug or a two liter soda bottle filled with sand or rocks or something of the sort might work good.

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Q: How do you modify a toilet to be low flush?
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How much water does a low flush toilet save a month?

If the toilet works each time on one flush, they use roughly half the water of a standard toilet. You would then use half as much a month on the toilet. They do not always flush completely on the first flush and the toilet is only a part of the water bill.

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Why Would a low-water consumption toilet overflow instead of filling to the rim and then stopping- can it be intentionally clogged?

I would intentionally overflow a public toilet by taking the lid off the back, then taking out the thing that covers the hole in the bottom. Then clog the toilet and just wait. The toilet will just flush and flush and flush and flush until it overflows. And then it will keep flushing. You could flood the entire bathroom with no one even knowing!

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He Invented The First Flush Toilet In 1568.

What happens if you don't flush a toilet?

Well, it depends how many times you don't flush a toilet. If you don't flush it one time, nothing happens. But if you don't flush it for a month or something, and then you finally flush it, it may get clogged with toilet paper.

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Does a toilet flush counter clockwise in usa?

Yes, a toilet does flush counter clockwise in the USA.

What will happen if you flush your pet rabbit down the toilet?

Don't Flush any kind of animals. You can only flush toilet tissues.

How do you flush your transmission fluid?

Drain it into a toilet and flush it

What is the cost to flush toilet?

$1.34 per flush

Why do you flush your toilet?

To eliminate urinary and fecal waste to the sewage. A toilet that doesn't flush is basically a bucket.