Multiply the numerator of the fraction by 2 to get the new numerator. Multiply the denominator of the fraction by 3 to get the new denominator. Answer = (new numerator)/(new denominator).
Convert it to an improper fraction and multiply.
Yes 2/3 or two thirds is a fraction.
no. they are equal
Multiply the numerator of the fraction by 2 to get the new numerator. Multiply the denominator of the fraction by 3 to get the new denominator. Answer = (new numerator)/(new denominator).
Convert it to an improper fraction and multiply.
Two thirds of 3000 is 2000.
Yes 2/3 or two thirds is a fraction.
Two thirds is the name of the fraction 2/3.
Two thirds is 2/3.
do you mean one third of two thirds? if so, then always remember, when it says a fraction/percentage of something, you multiply. so in this case, you multiply one third and two thirds together, making the answer two ninths. hope that helped!
Multiply something by two thirds.
Two thirds is bigger.
2 thirds
The fraction two-thirds is already in its simplest form.