Multiply by 100
To convert 37 hundredths (0.37) to percent, multiply by 100: 0.37 × 100 = 37 %
Multiply by a hundred thousand (= 10^5).
Each second is (1 and 2/3) hundredths of a minute. If you have some number of seconds to convert, you have a choice: Option #1: Long division. Divide the (number of seconds) by (60). Multiply the quotient by (100). The answer is the number of (hundredths of a minute). Option #2: Take the number of seconds. Multiply it by (5/3). The answer is the number of (hundredths of a minute).
Multiply it by 100 to change it into a percentage.
One tenth = ten hundredths so you multiply by 10.
Multiply by 100. So, for example, 3 seconds = 300 hundredths of a second.
In 0.79, there are 79 hundredths. To find out how many hundredths are in 0.79, you simply multiply 0.79 by 100 to convert it to hundredths. This calculation would result in 79 hundredths.
Multiply by 100
To write fifty-one hundredths as a percentage, you need to multiply it by 100. Fifty-one hundredths is written as 0.51 in decimal form. When you multiply 0.51 by 100, you get 51%. Therefore, fifty-one hundredths written as a percentage is 51%.
Multiply by ten. 7.5
To convert 37 hundredths (0.37) to percent, multiply by 100: 0.37 × 100 = 37 %
To convert six hundredths (0.06) to percent multiply by 100: 0.06 × 100 = 6 %
Multiply by a hundred thousand (= 10^5).
To find 9 hundredths of 100, you would multiply 100 by 0.09 (which is the decimal form of 9 hundredths). This calculation gives you 9, as 9% of 100 is 9. So, 9 hundredths of 100 is 9.
Whatever that number is, multiply it by successive counting numbers.