You can breed (have children). That is another form of multiplying!
One mile = 5280 feet...
Do you mean 121 or 132?
just multiply
Multiply the whole number times the numerator. Divide the product by the denominator.
If you really wanted to do this, you could simulate multiplication with repeated addition.
Because of the distributive property of multiplication over addition.
You cannot play multiplayer without being online.
One mile = 5280 feet...
It is possible to create a 3-digit number, without repeated digits so the probability is 1.
You can reduce multiplication to repeated additions. You could also replace the resulting additions by repeated incrementing. For example, to calculate 20 + 13, continue counting 13 numbers from 20. But that would be extremely boring and inefficient. Better if you just learn to do it the way they teach in school.
9876543 ?
By using repeated addition. Consider two numbers a and b. If you want to find a*b then you can add the numbers repeatedly in a loop to get the product. Eg:product = a;for( i=1; i