Multiply the numerator of one fraction to the other then multiply the denominator of one fraction to the other . Then reduce if possible.
you just mutiply and add and u get a decimalll
the same way you always multiply fractions. Change mixed numbers into improper fractions, multiply all numerators to get a new numerator, multiply all denominators to get a new denominator, then reduce the fraction.
The product.
Not when you multiply or divide fractions, only when you add or subtract fractions. For example, 1/2 x 5/7 = 5/14. Hope this helps! :)
you just mutiply and add and u get a decimalll
the same way you always multiply fractions. Change mixed numbers into improper fractions, multiply all numerators to get a new numerator, multiply all denominators to get a new denominator, then reduce the fraction.
You do 20x6
The product.
It isn't.
increase or reproduce.
Not when you multiply or divide fractions, only when you add or subtract fractions. For example, 1/2 x 5/7 = 5/14. Hope this helps! :)
41 mutiplied by 2
1/3=2/6 you mutiply the demoniator and numerator by the same thing and that's your answer. so 3x2=6 and 1x2=2 so 2/6