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Q: How do you name a triangle 2 different ways?
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What are three different ways a triangle can be classified?

There are two types of triangle: 1. Scalene triangle - no sides have the same length 2. Isosceles triangle - at least two sides have the same length a. Equilateral triangle - an isosceles triangle with 3 sides the same length.

List and describe the 5 ways triangles can be classified by their angle?

Right angle triangle has a 90 degree angle and two acute anglesEquilateral triangle has 3 equal anglesIsosceles triangle has 2 equal anglesScalene triangles has 3 acute angles of different sizesObtuse triangle has 1 obtuse angle and 2 different acute angles

When a square sandwich is cut into 2 equal pieces diagonally two triangles are the results classify these triangles in two different ways?

By angle: a right triangle. By sides: an isosceles triangle.

What triangle has 2 sides that r different?

Isosceles Triangle, it has 2 sides the same and 1 side different.

What is the name of the triangle with 2 equal angles?

isosceles triangle

What is the name of a triangle with 2 same sides?

The answer is a Isosceles Triangle

Does a sclanene triangle have 2 equal sides?

No a scalene triangle has 3 different sides but an isosceles triangle has 2 equal sides

What is the name of a triangle that has 2 equal sides and 2 equal angels and the third angle obtuse?

The triangle is an isosceles triangle.

Is a right triangle an obtuse triangle?

No because they are 2 different types of triangles

What type of triangle has 2 equal sides and 1 different side?

That is a "scalene" triangle.

Name of a triangle that has 2 equal length and one not equal length?

A triangle with 2 equal side lengths is called an isosceles triangle.

What does an isosceles triangle add up to?

-- 1 triangle -- 3 sides -- 3 angles -- 2 different side-lengths -- 2 different angle-sizes