The decimal number 82, when converted to base 4, is 1102.
1102 is written out as : one thousand one hundred and two
Rounded to the nearest cent, 1/3 x 1102 = $367.33.
If 110 is binary, and you want the answer in decimal form,110 in binary = 6 in decimal, so binary 1102 = decimal 62 = 36If 110 is decimal, and you want the answer in binary form,Decimal 1102 = 12100; decimal 12100 in binary is 10111101000100
The decimal number 82, when converted to base 4, is 1102.
1102 = 1*22 + 1*21 + 0*20 = 4 + 2 + 0 = 6
% rate = 74/1102 * 100% = 6.72%
1102 = 2 x 19 x 29
1102 is written out as : one thousand one hundred and two
1 2 19 29 38 58 551 1102.
Rounded to the nearest cent, 1/3 x 1102 = $367.33.