To perform multiplication using scientific notation you simply add the exponents after performing the multiplication of the values.
32500 * 4521000 = ?
3.25 e4 * 4.521 e6 = 14.69325 e10 or 1.469325 e11
200,000 in Scientific Notation = 2 x 105
Using scientific notation reduces the need to write out very large or very small numbers as the following examples show:- 1,000,000,000,000 = 1.0*1012 in scientific notation 0.0000000001 = 1.0*10-10 in scientific notation
The point of using scientific notation is to compute very large or very small numbers.
4000 in scientific notation is 4 x 103
0.0000072 in Scientific Notation = 7.2 x 10-6
scientific notation
Anyone can use scientific notation - including women!
200,000 in Scientific Notation = 2 x 105
Using scientific notation reduces the need to write out very large or very small numbers as the following examples show:- 1,000,000,000,000 = 1.0*1012 in scientific notation 0.0000000001 = 1.0*10-10 in scientific notation
The point of using scientific notation is to compute very large or very small numbers.
4000 in scientific notation is 4 x 103
0.0000072 in Scientific Notation = 7.2 x 10-6
375,000 in Scientific Notation = 3.75 x 105
In using scientific notation, you can use the number with the decimal to solve your problem and then factor in the power after the fact.
0,000,004.3 in Scientific Notation = 4.3E-06 x 106
Purely a matter of convenience. 'x' is an acceptable character that means "multiplied by", and it appears on the keyboard, whereas the regular multiplication sign doesn't. Well . . . to be perfectly honest, we don't even know what a "regular multiplication sign" is. ======================================== Another contributor agreed: I was just going to ask that, what is a regular multiplication sign? For 50 years I have been using x I think he means when he says regular multiplication sign he means the dot that is used for algebra because x is a variable. P.S. I just learned about scientific notation and asked my teacher the same question. She didn't know.