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There are no official rules for dracomania. But I made my own and you are more than welcome to use them.

Note: Each player MUST have the same number of cards in their deck as their opponent.

1. After you decide who goes first (flip a coin, rock paper scissors etc.) each players draws 5 cards.

2. At the start of each players turn (including the first) the player whose turn is it draws 1 card.

3. You can only summon 1 monster per turn. You summon a monster by simply putting it face-up on the field.

4. Some monsters will require tributes (you summon them by sending one or two, depending on the monsters power, of your monsters to the grave) you have to figure out yourself witch cards will require tributes depending on their power.

5. You attack your opponents monsters by using magic, monsters defend by using power who ever has the higher total destroys the other monster (if it's a tie both monsters are destroyed) and inflicts damage equal to the difference between attacking magic and defending power and vice versa. Each of your monsters can attack only once per turn. If there is no monster on your opponents side of the field your monsters can attack directly. (when a monster attacks directly it inflicts damage as your opponent was a monster with 0 power)

6. When a player takes damage he removes the number top cards of his deck from play face down (not the same as sending to the grave) equal to the damage he/she took.

7. Fire: You can spend fire during battle (if do you MUST use ALL the fire the monster has) or anytime during a turn, when you spend fire you add it to either the monsters power or magic until the end of that turn. When fire is spent it becomes 0. Fire is refreshed at the start of your turn (your monsters' fires refresh at the start of your turn, and your opponents' monster' fires refresh at the start of his turn).

8. If you want you can add special effects to some cards to make the game more interesting (this is recommended for weak monsters).

9. When a player has no cards to draw he loses the game.

Have fun!

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