9,223,372,036,854,775,808 is nine quintillion, two hundred twenty-three quadrillion, three hundred seventy-two trillion, thirty-six billion, eight hundred fifty-four million, seven hundred seventy-five thousand, eight hundred eight.
It varies greatly, depending on what language you are talking about. In English, BH is pronounced like B.
There is no alphabet in the Chinese language, unlike English or even Korean or Japanese (and even Korean and Japanese have no set order for their 'alphabet'), as Chinese language is simply written with different strokes put together. You might find websites that give you the way English alphabets might be written in Chinese, phonetic-wise, but that is only how we would pronounce English alphabets in Chinese phonetically, and not the Chinese alphabet. :)
It's because the English language is in part derived from the Latin language and Latin was the language spoken by the Romans.
First pronounce whole number and then the proper fraction.For example " Three and two fifth".Equivalent improper fraction will be 17/5.
Exactly like you pronounce the word "you" in English.
We pronounce Sicily Sis - sillee.
See the link below for the English language pronounciation; each language has another pronounciation.
It depends on where you are from. Typically, if your native language is English you will pronounce it "Foy-yer." If your native language is French, however, you would pronounce it "Foy-yay."
A tongue twister.
Depending on the language you speak, there are different pronunciations. In English you would pronounce the Tz as an S, so it would be Seng.
Well, after all, English is supposed to be the hardest language in the world.
In English, the city Ur is typically pronounced as "oor" with a long vowel sound.
263 = 9223372036854775808
they are different kinds of we of communication one of that is how we communicate eachother most especially our language we use and how we pronounce it correctly
it's a tamil language alphabet. which pronounce line "eye"(english) ..