910 in decimal form = 910.0
5 out of 12 in decimal form = 0.41675/12:= 5 ÷ 12= 0.4167 in decimal
I need to put the decimal point somewhere!Look at that decimal!
7 is already in decimal form. To put an actual decimal point in the number, it would be written as 7.0 Hope that helps!
7540 = 7,540.0
0.058 = fifty-eight thousandths.
You can write it like seven tenth that how i will put it like that .
910 in decimal form = 910.0
It's 1 millionth place away from the decimal -hav
example 0.306= three hundred six thousandths
21.7 is already in decimal form
You have already written it in decimal form.
Any number can be put into decimal form.
5 out of 12 in decimal form = 0.41675/12:= 5 ÷ 12= 0.4167 in decimal
I need to put the decimal point somewhere!Look at that decimal!
7 is already in decimal form. To put an actual decimal point in the number, it would be written as 7.0 Hope that helps!
It is in decimal form already.