320,108 = three hundred twenty thousand, one hundred eight.
One hundred eight
50 percent of 320 = 16050% of 320= 50% * 320= 0.50 * 320= 160
6% of 320= 6% * 320= 0.06 * 320= 19.2
65% of 320= 65% * 320= 0.65 * 320= 208
Three hundred twenty thousand, one hundred eight.
320,108 = three hundred twenty thousand, one hundred eight.
Well the floor is 20*16 inches which is 320 square inches and the rug is 12*9 inches which is 108 square inches. Thus 320-108 leaves 212 square inches of bare floor.
i do not know how to put gas in the car, E-320 Mercedes Benz, 2002
One put's an injector on a 320 caterpillar marine engine through connecting it to the fuel pipes.
Last Words - book - has 320 pages.
320 dollars
I have the handbook, and there aren't 9 words in line 8 on page 108. There are only 5 words.
One hundred eight
One hundred eight.
I believe it was 320 horse.