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It is 65 x a variable.

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Q: How do you put 65 miles per hour for a number of hours into an algebraic expression?
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How do you find the unit rate for 128 miles in 2 hours?

Divide the number of miles by the number of hours to obtain the unit rate. You should get: 128 miles / 2 hours = 64 miles per hour

What is the Average rate in miles per hour?

(number of miles covered) divided by (number of hours for the trip)

How long would it take going 65 mph in 598 miles?

9.2 hours, or 9 hours and 12 minutes. Take 598 miles and divide by the number of miles per hour to give the number of hours. Then, take the remainder (0.2 hours) and multiply by 60 to give you the number of minutes.

How do you figure out miles per hour?

To figure out miles per hour, divide the total number of miles traveled by the total number of hours it took to travel those miles. This will give you the average speed in miles per hour.

How long will 210 miles take?

210/(the number of miles per hour it is done at) hours

How many hours is 160 miles if driving at75 miles a hour?

Simply divide the number of miles by your speed... So, 160 / 75 = 2.1333 (repeating) hours or 2 hours and roughly 8 minutes.

How many miles in 1.50 hours at 60 miles per hour?

distance = speed * timeso in 1.5 hours, distance = 60*1.5 = 90 milesA good trick to remember how this works is to look at the units. distance is miles, time is hours. speed is miles/hour this means that to get speed we divided the number of miles by the number of hours. and so you can easily remember how these three things are related.

How much is 8 hours and 20 mins in miles?

It is not any number of miles it is a period of time not a distance.

How far can you go in 1.15 miles per hour?

The number of miles that you can go at the speed of 1.15 miles per hour is(1.15) multiplied by (the number of hours you can keep going).

How fast would you be traveling if you done 1700 miles in thirteen hours?

(1700 miles)/(13 hours) = 1.3 X 102 miles per hour, to the justified number of significant digits.

How long would it take to drive 280 miles?

At 280mph 1 hour; at 140mph 2 hours; at 70mph 4 hours; at 35mph 8hours; at 10mph 28hours; at 5mph 56 hours. The speed in mph is calculated by dividing the number of miles driven by the number of hours taken.

How much time does it take for a flying bird at a speed of 45 miles per hour to travel a distance of 1800 miles?

Number of hours would be 45 Miles/hr 1800 Miles 1800 Miles * 45 Miles / hour = 40 hours