85 as a division expression is 85/1. The principal fractional form is also 85/1 but you can calculate equivalent rational fractions if you multiply both, its numerator and denominator, by any non-zero integer.
85 into a fraction = 85/1
85% = 85/100 or 17/20 in fraction
It is simply: 85/1 as an improper fraction
Percentage = 85% Fraction = 85/100 = 17/20 Decimal = 0.85
85 into a fraction = 85/1
To determine how many times 85 goes into 750, you would perform division by dividing 750 by 85. The quotient is the result of the division, which in this case is approximately 8.82. Since we cannot have a fraction of a division, we would round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, 85 goes into 750 approximately 8 times.
85% = 85/100 or 17/20 in fraction
85% = 85/100 or 17/20 in fraction
85 percent expressed as a fraction = 17/2085% = 85/100 or 17/20 in fraction
It is simply: 85/1 as an improper fraction
You put the 85 over 100 and divide it down leave the 4 as is
85 percent as a fraction in simpleist form = 17/2085% = 85/100 or 17/20 in fraction
Percentage = 85% Fraction = 85/100 = 17/20 Decimal = 0.85
To find out how many times 85 goes into 243, you would perform a division operation. 243 divided by 85 equals approximately 2.8588. Since you cannot have a fraction of a division, you would round down to the nearest whole number, which means that 85 goes into 243 approximately 2 times with a remainder of 73.
The answer is 3.4