US 2thousand ten, UK would put in the "and"
The place value of the 4 in 3540277009 is ten thousand.
709 934 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 710,000.
It is: 710,000
It is: 0
the zero is the ten thousand place
902798 has 0 in the ten-thousands place
The 3 is in the ten thousand place.
The place is fifth to the left of the decimal point. The value is ten thousand.
It is: 60,000 to the nearest ten thousand place
Nearest thousands place is 858,000 Nearest ten thousands place is 860,000
US 2thousand ten, UK would put in the "and"
271,403 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 270,000 because the thousands place has to be 5 or above. 1 is below 5, so you will round down. Your hundred thousands place is 2 and your ten thousands place is 7, and after you put 0's to fill in the substituted numbers, your answer will be 270,000.
It is 160,000 rounded to nearest ten thousand place
number o ten's place at thousand's place at lakh's place in the number 12 34 567