There are several ways of using words to describe a fraction.
Take the fraction 3/4, for example. You can call it three quarters, or three over four (more common with algebra, as is Q over V), or you can convert it to its decimal form (0.75) and call it seventy-five hundredths.
how do u put 56.07 as a fraction
Any number can be put in fraction form
It can't be put in a fraction.
60 is an integer, not a fraction.
In words: zero point four. As a fraction: 4/10.
Simply put, the bar in a fraction means divided by. In other words, 1/2 can be read as "one divided by two".
how do u put 56.07 as a fraction
Any number can be put in fraction form
It can't be put in a fraction.
-0.84 put in words is negative eighty-four hundredths. Put -84 over 100 and simplify your answer. In simplified form, it is 21/25
You can put 65% as a fraction, because 65 percent is the same as 0.65, which can be put into a fraction of 65/100 which can be reduced to 13/20.
60 is an integer, not a fraction.
The answer will depend on what the fraction is.
In words: zero point four. As a fraction: 4/10.
it can be if we put a - sign somewhere in the fraction.
0.4555 into a fraction = 4555/10000
0.21 = 21/100 as a fraction