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Their body shape, posture, style of walking and so on.

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Q: How do you recognize a person from a distance?
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How does society recognize Princess Diana?

i think people recognize princess Diana as a brave person and a caring person

The distance your vehicle travels between the time you recognize a problemand the time you apply the brake is called?

This distance is called the 'Thinking Distance'.

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How do you recognize a happy person?

if they are smiling or if they are excited.... (:

How do you recognize vampires?

If you wish to recognize a vampire i would say, if the person is out in daylight then your safe. If your out in the dark then i would say that you should look for a pale, hot and strong person and if you do recognize one run like hell!

The term that refers to a person's ability to recognize and interpret sensory stimuli is?

Sensory perception refers to a person's ability to recognize and interpret sensory stimuli.

Who is the only person to recognize Odysseus?

Argus the dog

What is the abstract noun for recognize?

The abstract noun forms of the verb to recognize are recognition and the gerund, recognizing.The related concrete noun form of the verb to recognize is recognizer, a word for a person.

Define shock of recognition?

Shock of recognition refers to the sudden realization or understanding of something previously unknown or misunderstood, often accompanied by a feeling of surprise or insight. It is the moment of clarity or revelation that occurs when one finally comprehends a truth or connection that had previously eluded them.

How would a person recognize a Catholic and a Protestant church?

By their message. By their statuary.

What does a meida - literate person recognize about the media?

Just possibly that the media-literate person knows how to spell media!

What is an agnosic?

An agnosic is a person who has agnosia - the inability to recognize objects by use of the senses.