Find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator. Divide each of them by that number. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is already in its lowest terms.
In order to reduce fractions to their lowest terms
Yes it can be done and, at times, is a very good idea.
LCM is used to find the lowest common denominator in fractions HCF is used to reduce fractions to their simplest terms
It is already in lowest terms.
Knowing the highest common factors of numbers helps to reduce fractions to their lowest terms Factoring helps to find the lowest common multiple of numbers which is useful when adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators.
It means to reduce fractions to their lowest terms as for example 4/8 = 1/2 in its lowest terms
In order to reduce fractions to their lowest terms
Yes it can be done and, at times, is a very good idea.
Reduce them to their lowest terms
It is already in lowest terms.
It is not possible to reduce a percent to it's lowest terms. It is possible to reduce a fraction to it's lowest terms, however.
LCM is used to find the lowest common denominator in fractions HCF is used to reduce fractions to their simplest terms
You reduce fractions to lowest form, if necessary, but you don't reduce whole numbers.
Only fractions can be in lowest terms. Since 2160 is a whole number, it is already in lowest terms.
It is already in lowest terms.
Knowing the highest common factors of numbers helps to reduce fractions to their lowest terms Factoring helps to find the lowest common multiple of numbers which is useful when adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators.