The whole number will stay the same. Find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator of the fraction. If the GCF is greater than 1, divide each number by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
4 and 4/12 = 4 and 1/3
53/100 is in its simplest form. It can't be a mixed number; mixed numbers are greater than one.
-2 7/20
It is 128 and 17/50 in its simplest form
"Simplest form" refers to the proper fraction part of a mixed number. To simplify a fraction, find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
First, you divide the two numbers, then you get the mixed number.Next,you just reduce it.OK
It is 1 and 799/1000 in its simplest form
53/100 is in its simplest form. It can't be a mixed number; mixed numbers are greater than one.
Numbers less than 1 can't be mixed numbers
It is: 8 and 6/25
-2 7/20
"Simplest form" refers to the proper fraction part of a mixed number. To simplify a fraction, find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
It is 128 and 17/50 in its simplest form
convert the part after the decimal to a fraction and reduce. EX: 2.125 = 2 125/1000 = 2 1/8
It can't be one. Mixed numbers are greater than one.
4 and 71/100