In Roman numerals, M = 1000, D = 500, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5, and I = 1. A Roman numeral of lesser value placed before a Roman numeral of higher value means to subtract the lesser one, so CM = 900, CD = 400, XC = 90, XL = 40, IX = 9, and IV = 4. So, MDI is 1501.
The Roman numeral LVIII represent 58
The Roman Numeral system did not have a way to represent zero.
Roman numeral LXXX = 80
The Roman numeral 'X' represents 10.
It is the lower case for I = i but they both represent 1 as a Roman numeral
The Roman numeral LVIII represent 58
The Roman numeral C is equivalent to 100
The Roman Numeral system did not have a way to represent zero.
Roman numeral LXXX = 80
The Roman numeral 'X' represents 10.
It is the lower case for I = i but they both represent 1 as a Roman numeral
It indicates multiplication by a thousand
The Roman numeral "DC" represent 600.
The roman numeral CCXL represents the number 240.
1,944im sure in my ans.
The Roman numeral "CXXVI" represents the number 126.