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Draw a line segment 10 cm long. measure the first 4 cm and make that part darker.

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Q: How do you represent the fraction four tens using a model or number line?
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How could you represent the fraction four tenths using a model or number line?

Create a number line from zero to one where the gradations are in tenths.

How do you multiply a fraction by a whole number without using a model or repeated addition?

Multiply the whole number times the numerator. Divide the product by the denominator.

What is Using the fraction 46 which number is the denominator?

46 is an integer. It is not a fraction.

What is bigger an improper fraction or a mixed number?

If you are using the same number, then the improper fraction and mixed number are equal.

Using the fraction 46 which number is the denominator?

using the fraction 4/6, which number is the denominator? or 46/1 in which case 1 would be the denom

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Using fraction of 46 which number is the denominator?

It is 6.

Using the fraction 46 which number is the denominator in math?

The number above the line.

What is a set when working with fraction?

a set using a fraction is a half or quarter it it is a split number than a whole

When is it easiest to find the percent of a number using a fraction?

When the denominator of the fraction is a simple multiple of 2s and 5s.

Why is a fraction a fraction?

A fraction is a "fraction" because it represent a number of smaller "pieces" or "parts" of a whole. For example 1/3 represents one of three equal sections of a whole object (1). The fraction 2/3 is equal to two of those parts (thirds) of the whole. Sometimes fractions will be "improper" with a larger numerator than a denominator. Working with the number 4/3 is usually more convenient than using the equivalent "mixed number" which is 1 1/3 -- and where the decimal version is not exact (1.333333...).

What is a number that can be written as AA fraction using integers called?

That's a 'rational' number.