Find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
When multiplying a fraction by a whole number you would rewrite it as a mixed number or convert the whole number to that number over one!
17/6 is an improper fraction. As a mixed number it is written 25/6.
It is 6.75 = 6 and 3/4 as a mixed number
It is: 0.87 = 87/100 as a fraction in its lowest terms
1.75 as a fraction in lowest terms is 7/4. The mixed number is 13/4
how do you rewrite 24.5 as a mixed number in the lowest terms
When multiplying a fraction by a whole number you would rewrite it as a mixed number or convert the whole number to that number over one!
A mixed fraction is a rational number because you can rewrite it as one integer over another.
As a fraction in its lowest terms: 67/100
17/6 is an improper fraction. As a mixed number it is written 25/6.
It is 6.75 = 6 and 3/4 as a mixed number
It is: 0.87 = 87/100 as a fraction in its lowest terms
1.75 as a fraction in lowest terms is 7/4. The mixed number is 13/4
The decimal of 3.44 as a fraction is 86/25 and as a mixed number is 3 and 11/25 which are both in their lowest terms.
It is: 0.09 = 9/100 as a fraction in its lowest terms and it can't be expressed as a mixed number because it's less than 1
45 is an integer - neither a proper nor a mixed fraction.
It can't be a mixed number since it is less than 1, but as a fraction it is 1/125 in its lowest terms