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Get a pair of studded tires.

Go steadily and easily but you can go fast if you are steady and a good bike handler. Give it a shot it is fun.

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Can a 16 year old ride a 50cc mini diry bike?

Yes easily

Can you ride a 70cc dirt bike on the street?

No, it is illegal to ride a dirt bike on the street but you can ride it on a trail or dirt bike track.

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Eat an ice cream cone and go for a bike ride.

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Get a bike and ride it

Why do you ride a bike and drive a car?

You ride a bike because it has to be balanced by the operator.

How long to ride a bike 10 miles?

It depends on how fast you can ride a bike!

Can you ride a 140cc pit bike off road without a bike license?

Yes: you can ride it any wear private like a feild if you have permission. Or ride it any where your option but you can get caught easily, and your bike csn be impounded or uou eill be charged.You can only ride road legal motor bikes on the road but you need a license.

How do you ride your bike with no handle bar?

i keep the bike on tand and ride on it , then handle is no bar

How old do you need to be to ride a dirt bike legally?

you can ride a dirt bike at any age

When was World Naked Bike Ride created?

World Naked Bike Ride was created in 2003.

Can you ride a pocket bike in brampton without a license for a pocket bike?

yes, you need a lisences to ride a pocket bike in bramton

License required to ride a three wheeled bike?

I don't think you need a licence to ride any sort of bike you should just buy a bike and ride it its not like cars where you need licence's because with bikes you can just buy it, ride it as there is no place at all to buy real bike licences. If somebody has told you you need a licence to ride a three wheeled bike you shouldn't have to for ANY bike.