Three hundred fifty million, two hundred five thousand, five hundred.
Three thousandths.
seven and seventy five hundredths
The number 682 can be written in word form as "six hundred eighty-two."
9.47 = nine and forty-seven hundredths.
Three hundred fifty million, two hundred five thousand, five hundred.
To write 350,205,500 in word form, you would say "three hundred fifty million, two hundred five thousand, five hundred." This follows the standard naming convention for numbers in English, where each group of three digits is named in terms of its place value (millions, thousands, etc.).
Three thousandths.
No. Use "tentativeness".
Eight and five thousandths.
Three and one tenth
eighty-four hundredths.
Three and four tenths.
"Alright" is not a word. The correct form, not a variant, is "all right."
Sixty-five hundred-thousandths.
Three and sixty-two hundredths.
Nineteen thousand and forty-two.