5248663711 = five billion two hundred forty-eight million six hundred sixty-three thousand seven hundred eleven.
five billion
Standard form - The form to right it as a number. 10.38 Expanded form - The form to expand (stretch) a number. 10 + .3 + .08 Written form - The form to write out a number. Ten and thirty eight hundredths.
two thousand, three hundred six.
5.248663711*109 or more usefully, 5.25*109
five billion
Five billion, two hundred forty-eight million, six hundred sixty-three thousand, seven hundred eleven.
five billion, two hundred forty-eight million, six hundred sixty-three thousand, seven hundred eleven
five billion two hundred forty eight thousand six hundred sixty three thousand seven hundred seventy one
5.248663711*109 or more usefully, 5.25*109
It is: 3,200,000
You write million in number form by appending six zeroes to the number. So "two million" is 2,000,000 "Five million" is 5,000,000
The standard form of a whole number is when a whole number is written in digits with commas separating the digits into groups of three starting from right to left
you work out the number of right angles on each face of the shape. when ur done then add up all the number of right angles form each face