It is: 9.1% = 0.091 as a decimal
91% = 0.91
You divide percent values by 100 to get the decimal equivalent: 91 / 100 = 0.91
91/100 or 0.91
decimal of 91 percent =0.91 91% = 91%/100% = 0.91
You put the digit right after the decimal. For example, if you want to say 91 and 7tenths, you would show it like this:91.7 The tenths would go right after the decimal.
It is: 9.1% = 0.091 as a decimal
91% = 0.91
It depends what kind of decimal you would like it as.. .00091 .0091 .091 .91 9.1 91.0 * * * * * No, it does not. 91, as a decimal is 91. Nothing more, nothing less. .00091 is 91 one hundred thousandths which is NOT 91. 9.1 is 91 tenths, still not 91. 91.0 is 91 but accurate to the nearest tenth - a significance that is not justified.
It is: 91% = 0.91
91/100 = 0.91 or 91%
You divide percent values by 100 to get the decimal equivalent: 91 / 100 = 0.91
91/100 or 0.91
91 over 40 = 91 divided by 40 = 2.275