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Q: How do you right two tenths and twenty hundreths in standard form?
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How many tenths are there in 2 units?

Well, 2 units, right? So if you split it in tenths each you get twenty tenths...right?

How do you write sixty and four-hundreths?

Assuming that the "sixty" in the question refers to a whole number, and the "four-hundreths" as part of a whole, then the answer would be 60.04.In the decimal system, the first digit to the right of the decimal point refers to tenths of a whole. The second digit refers to hundreths of a whole, the third to thousandths of a whole, and so on.

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Is 0.2 is different then 0.20?

No, same number. When a number is to the RIGHT of the decimal point, you could add zeros to the right side and not change the value. Two tenths and twenty hundredths are the same.

How do you right six and five hundreths in decimal form?

The answer will depend on what is wrong with the number.

Where are the tenths in a decimal?

The first numeral to the right of the decimal is the tenths' place.

What is the tenths place of 34.1?

The tenths place in 34.1 is .1; the tenths place is the first number to the right of the decimal.

How many tenths are there in four fifths?

forty tenths yes thats right

Is tenths or hundredths bigger?

tenths on right side of decimal, hundreds on the other

What is the tenths and hudredths?

Tenths is the first place to the right of the decimal point. Hundredths is the second place to the right of the decimal point.

What is one place to the right of the decimal?

The tenths place. Tenths place is the first one to the right of the decimal. Then hundredths, thousandths, etc.

Where is the tenths in a 7 digit bumber?

The tenths is the first place to the right of the decimal point.