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If the table takes an entire page, you can simply change the page layout to "landscape" for that page. If the table is to be turned 90 degrees with the rest of the text remaining in its original position, you can change the table into an image file (jpg, etc), rotate the image and then insert the image.

The first option retains the table's integrity as a table -- it can be spell-checked and edited. The last option loses this ability but gains the flexibility of being manipulated as an image.

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Q: How do you rotate a table on a word document by 90 degrees?
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Why would a table be used in a Word document?

To make information easier to read and understand.

How do you add a table of contents in Word?

It is a feature of MS Word that allows you to create a table of contents for you document, similar to what you might have in a book. It is done by defining headings throughout the document, by applying the various heading formats that are available in Word. Once there are headings in the document, the Table of Contents feature can go through the document and find all of these headings and take note of what pages they are on. Then it lists the headings and their page numbers in the document as a Table of Contents. It is very useful for large documents that would have lots of headings.

What are the steps for creating a table of content?

Create a heading for the table of contents. List the main sections of your document with corresponding page numbers. Use the "Table of Contents" function in your word processing software to generate automatic links. Update the table of contents as you make changes to your document to keep it accurate.

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Depends on what your doing, such as a chart, a table, a documentation.

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What is the meaning of cross-reference in Microsoft Word?

It allows you to link different parts of a document to each other. You may have a piece of text that mentions a table and then have that piece of text link to that table in another part of the document. It is then cross referencing the items.

How do you align a table horizontally in a Word document?

Select the entire table. Then use the paragraph formatting options to centre it. Alternatively, press the Ctrl - E shortcut combination.