These numbers: 1, 13, 101, 1313.
1313 in Roman numerals: MCCCXIII
If you see a show that advertises lights by 1313 Effect, GO. It will melt your face.
1313 Mockingbird Lane, in fictional Mockingbird Heights. The original address was supposed to be 13 Friday Street, but was changed before shooting began.
His Address is 1313 Webfoot Walk in Duckburg, Calisota
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 1313 1717 1919 is 424,099.
1313 / 70 = 18.75 So 18hr 45 mins.
Passions - 1999 1-1313 was released on: USA: 13 September 2004
Olivetans was created in 1313.
Liesen was created in 1313.