as 16.199 is 0.001 away from 16.20
but is 0.009 away from 16.19
So as 0.001 is smaller than 0.009
then answer is 16.200 or $16.20
nearest cent
If you round 29.7 to the nearest cent, it is 30 cents.
0.667 cents, to the nearest cent, is 1 cent.
10.76 is rounded to the nearest cent.
$210 is to the nearest cent.
nearest cent
If you round 29.7 to the nearest cent, it is 30 cents.
Round off to the nearest cent, means round off to the nearest hundredths or round off to two decimal.
0.667 cents, to the nearest cent, is 1 cent.
it already is to the nearest cent. 136.74
what is 2.857 to the nearest cent
Round to the nearest cent.
10.76 is rounded to the nearest cent.
$210 is to the nearest cent.
You have asked to round the number to the nearest cent, but you have not said what the units are which that number represents. If it is 386.75 cents, then if we round it to the nearest cent, we get 387 cents. If, however, it is $386.75 then you can't round it to the nearest cent, you could only round it to the nearest dollar (in which case the answer would be $387).
$2,755.20 it already is rounded to the nearest cent