467 thousand.
5.11 is a decimal, rounded to the nearest hundredth.
To convert 467% to a decimal divide by 100:467% ÷ 100 = 4.67
The nearest hundredth is the same as two decimal places.
467 thousand.
The answer depends on what is meant by "the nearest decimal"
5.11 is a decimal, rounded to the nearest hundredth.
"Cents" is two decimal places. Round to the nearest hundredths.
Round off to the nearest cent, means round off to the nearest hundredths or round off to two decimal.
To convert 467% to a decimal divide by 100:467% ÷ 100 = 4.67
The nearest hundredth is the same as two decimal places.
You can do this in several ways. You can round to the nearest decimal; you can also round up, or round down.