742 40/4 = 752= 742 + 40/4= 742 + 10= 752
A Remington 742 BDL has a different stock and forearm than the 742 ADL. The stock of the 742 BDL has a cheek plate and the forearm is slanted at the front with a different type bolt which secures it. The 742 ADL is the most common type and easier to find if one is trying to purchase a 742.
742 multiplied by 36 is 26,712.
742 = 2 x 7 x 53
It is: 700 because 40 is less than 50
To the nearest ten, 740 To the nearest hundred, 700
893 742 rounds to893 740 to the nearest ten893 700 to the nearest hundred894 000 to the nearest thousand890 000 to the nearest ten thousand800 000 to the nearest hundred thousand1 000 000 to the nearest million
874,742 = eight hundred seventy-four thousand, seven hundred forty-two.
Well, let's take a moment to appreciate the number 742. When we round it, we look at the digit in the tens place, which is 4. Since 4 is less than 5, we keep the hundreds place the same, so 742 rounded to the nearest ten is 740. Just a happy little rounding adjustment to make everything nice and balanced.
742 to the nearest hundredths place = 742.00
What is 742 round
742000 is 742 thousand and in Roman numerals it would be [DCCXLII]
Seven sextillion nine hundred and forty five million one hundred and seventy five thousand seven hundred and forty two.
700+40+2 This is the correct answer
To round 742 to the tens place, we look at the digit in the ones place, which is 2. Since 2 is less than 5, we round down. Therefore, 742 rounded to the tens place is 740.