1. you take the 3 decimal place and if it is 0.005 or higher the decimal in the 2nd place goes one up but if lower it stays the same
The number 6.527314 to two decimal places is 6.53. To round a number to two decimal places, you look at the third decimal place. If it is 5 or greater, you round up the second decimal place. If it is less than 5, you leave the second decimal place as is. In this case, the third decimal place is 7, so we round up the second decimal place from 2 to 3.
The second decimal place is 5 or more, so the first decimal place increases by 1.69.6
Go to the second decimal place; if it is less than 5; round down. If it is 5 or greater, round up. So, 1.51 rounded to 1 decimal place is 1.5.
nearest tenth is first place after the decimal. Look to the second place after the decimal; if it is less than 5 you keep the original first place after the decimal; if grater than 5, you round up by adding 1 to the irst place after the decimal; in your case since the second place after decimal is 0 then the nearest tenth is 3.0
You round your answer to one decimal place.So if the digit in the second decimal place is more than 5 the digit in the first place is increased by 1.and if the digit in the second decimal place is less than 5 the digit in the first place is left unchanged.If the digit in the second place is 5 then you either go to the next decimal place. It it is 1 then you round up, if not then you round down.If the digit in the second decimal place is 5 and there are no more digits then many schools incorrectly advise you to round up. This is incorrect because it introduces a bias. The IEEE approved solution is the "round-to-even": round the number up or down so that the last digit remaining in the number is even.
The number 6.527314 to two decimal places is 6.53. To round a number to two decimal places, you look at the third decimal place. If it is 5 or greater, you round up the second decimal place. If it is less than 5, you leave the second decimal place as is. In this case, the third decimal place is 7, so we round up the second decimal place from 2 to 3.
The second decimal place is 5 or more, so the first decimal place increases by 1.69.6
Go to the second decimal place; if it is less than 5; round down. If it is 5 or greater, round up. So, 1.51 rounded to 1 decimal place is 1.5.
The second decimal place is 3 which is less than 5, so you round 7.439 down to 7.4.
11.66 The second place after the decimal place is the hundredths place, and 1 does not round up.
Look at the third decimal place. It is a 5, so it will round up the second decimal to give 0.69 as your answer.
The digit in the second decimal place is a 1, so we round to 1.7 as the 1 rounds down.
nearest tenth is first place after the decimal. Look to the second place after the decimal; if it is less than 5 you keep the original first place after the decimal; if grater than 5, you round up by adding 1 to the irst place after the decimal; in your case since the second place after decimal is 0 then the nearest tenth is 3.0
To round to 1 decimal place you'll have to look at the decimal place after it (the hundredths place). In this case, 8 is in the tenths place (first decimal place) so we look at the hundredths (or second) decimal place, which is 6. If the second number is 0-4, you do not round the first decimal place up. Ex. rounding 1.232 to the tenths place would be 1.2. If the second number is 5-9, you round the first decimal place up. Ex. rounding 1.252 to the tenths place would be 1.3. Here we see that our second number is 6, which is between 5 and 9, so we round up- 9.865 round to 9.9. There are a few technicalities with the thousandths place rounding up the hundredths place, which can in turn round up the tenths place, but for the purposes of this question specifically that doesn't really matter.
You round your answer to one decimal place.So if the digit in the second decimal place is more than 5 the digit in the first place is increased by 1.and if the digit in the second decimal place is less than 5 the digit in the first place is left unchanged.If the digit in the second place is 5 then you either go to the next decimal place. It it is 1 then you round up, if not then you round down.If the digit in the second decimal place is 5 and there are no more digits then many schools incorrectly advise you to round up. This is incorrect because it introduces a bias. The IEEE approved solution is the "round-to-even": round the number up or down so that the last digit remaining in the number is even.
To round 15.409 to 2 decimal places, we look at the third decimal place, which is 9. Since 9 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up the second decimal place, which is 0. Therefore, 15.409 rounded to 2 decimal places is 15.41.
To round 5.645 to one decimal place, we look at the digit in the second decimal place, which is 4. Since 4 is less than 5, we do not round up the digit in the first decimal place. Therefore, 5.645 rounded to one decimal place is 5.6.