That's five decimal places.
To round a number to a particular digit, look at the digit immediately to the right of your target, in this case, the sixth decimal place. If that digit is 4 or lower, zero it and everything to the right of it out. If that digit is 5 or higher, increase the target digit by one and zero everything to the right of it out. If your target digit is a 9, increasing it will turn it to zero and increase the digit to the left of it by one.
0.83942623 rounded to the nearest hundred thousandth is 0.83943.The bold two is the hundred thousandth place.
To the nearest tenth: 0.1 To the nearest hundredth: 0.06 To the nearest thousandth: 0.056 To the nearest ten thousandth: 0.0563 To the nearest hundred thousandth: 0.05626 To the nearest millionth: 0.056263
Rounded to the nearest hundred-thousandth, 0.855432 is 0.85543
It is 3.011 rounded to the nearest thousandth
0.83942623 rounded to the nearest hundred thousandth is 0.83943.The bold two is the hundred thousandth place.
To the nearest tenth: 0.1 To the nearest hundredth: 0.06 To the nearest thousandth: 0.056 To the nearest ten thousandth: 0.0563 To the nearest hundred thousandth: 0.05626 To the nearest millionth: 0.056263
6.90001 rounds to:10 to the nearest ten7 to the nearest whole number/unit6.9 to the nearest tenth6.9 the nearest hundredth, thousandth, hundred thousandth
Rounded to the nearest hundred-thousandth, 0.855432 is 0.85543
To the nearest hundred thousand the number would be rounded down to zero. To the nearest hundred thousandth, which you may have meant, 3.00409 is the answer.
round to the nearest ten thousandth 44.24862486
Rounded to the nearest hundred thousandth, 0.8394263 is approximately equal to 0.83943.
It is already rounded to the nearest thousandth.
It is 3.011 rounded to the nearest thousandth