The answer depends on the degree to which the number needs to be rounded. To the nearest 5 it is 5, to the nearest ten it is 0.
To round off 128,674 to leave one nonzero digit, you would round it to 100,000.
It is 400.
Round it to the nearest thousand, which is 7,000 .
It depends on how many digit you want to round off. When truncating a number, just chop off the last digit and the resulting value is a truncated number. To round of a number, examine the last digit. If it is less than 5, just eliminate it otherwise the last digit is 5 or more, drop the digit and increase the remaining last digit by 1. 2.037 rounds off to 2.04 since the last digit (7) was greater 4. 2.04 rounds to 2.0 (or 2) since the last digit is less than 5.
To round off 128,674 to leave one nonzero digit, you would round it to 100,000.
.08 or 8 centavos. If the cut off digit is 5-9 round up. If the cut off digit is 0-4 round down.
It is 400.
To round a number look at the next digit in the right place, if the digit is less than 5, round down and if the digit is 5 or more than 5, round up.
It is 300000.
It is 6000000.
It is 300.
It is 500.
It is 3000000000.