The number in the hundred-thousands digit is 6. The number in the ten-thousends digit is 4. 4 is less that five so the 6 will stay the same:
To the nearest ten, 318460 To the nearest hundred, 318500 To the nearest thousand, 318000 To the nearest ten thousand, 320000 To the nearest hundred thousand, 300000
The number 44,485,900 rounded to the nearest hundred-thousands place is 44,500,000
15,700,000 is already rounded to the nearest hundred thousands.
To the nearest 100,000 the number is 0.
There is no such number. If you were rounding to the nearest hundred thousand, you would not end up with 157000. 157000 to the nearest hundred thousand is 200000.
To the nearest ten, 318460 To the nearest hundred, 318500 To the nearest thousand, 318000 To the nearest ten thousand, 320000 To the nearest hundred thousand, 300000
To the nearest hundred thousand the number would be rounded down to zero. To the nearest hundred thousandth, which you may have meant, 3.00409 is the answer.
The number 44,485,900 rounded to the nearest hundred-thousands place is 44,500,000
15,700,000 is already rounded to the nearest hundred thousands.
To the nearest ten: 9,333,630 To the nearest hundred: 9,333,600 To the nearest thousand: 9,334,000 To the nearest ten thousand: 9,330,000 To the nearest hundred thousand: 9,300,000 To the nearest million: 9,000,000
The answer is 950.
To the nearest 100,000 the number is 0.
It is already rounded to the nearest hundred thousand. You can't round a number to itself.
To the nearest 14 thousand, 7 thousand To the nearest thousand: 13,500 To the nearest hundred: 13,950 To the nearest ten: 13,995 To the nearest 2: 13,999